Friday, October 21, 2011

"Here's To My Youth" Originally Written 9/9/2011

My shoes tell a bigger story than my words,
Cracked shoe seams can tell of sweaty,
Feet up against feet at concerts of love,
City walks,
City bus stops,
City buses full of life,
These blue chuck taylors,
Can tell you of the newness they once felt,
White socked feet slid into them,
Gave them life out of their rectangular womb,
Can regale stories of nervous paces on dates,
Walking down nature's paths,
And of muddy rainy days,
Days that have worn its white to a dirty tan,
These shoes tell a bigger story than my words,
Cause they'll be around as proof of my youth,
Of years spent living care-free,
Being young,
The-art-of-not-caring splattered in the wear,
Of these faded blue converse shoes.